Abstract: based on a wide range of sources and literature, the article shows the main types of handicrafts and crafts that were distributed in the Derbent ownership in the XVII century.The connection between the spread of a particular type of craft and the availability of raw materials and the location of Derbent on the way of crossing numerous trade routes from East to West and back is studied. The comparative-historical method allowed to highlight the specifics and features of the development of handicraft production and home crafts in the Derbent owhership in comparison with the surrounding owherships and societies. The author rightly notes that the development of certain types of crafts and home crafts depended on the level of development of certain branches of agriculture. Also, the author correctly noted that the improvement of production technology and tools led to the division of labor and narrow specialization, especially in weapons and jewelry. There was a clear gender division of labor in handicrafts and home crafts.
Keywords: Derbent, home crafts, handicraft production, weaving, carpet making, blacksmithing, weapons production